Happy World Down Syndrome Day! Staff and students wore crazy socks to support Jax Shell! Miss Pence also collected over 170 pairs of CHILDREN'S SOCKS to DONATE to Mott Children's Hospital.

Attention Students that began College Classes today!
You have until WEDNESDAY THIS WEEK or PRIOR if you are leaving early for Spring Break to drop your class without penalty if you have looked over the syllabus and the course content and just feel like it is not a good fit for you.
Mrs. King is here today and tomorrow for college needs and Jamie Witt will be here Wednesday for assistance.
If there is anything that happens after that you will have to contact the Director, Jean Logan, for assistance.

HAPPY PI DAY!!! NHS students celebrated Pi day last Friday with LOTS AND LOTS of PIE!!!

ATTENTION Jackson College Students!!
Next Monday Jackson College second seven week classes start! This is right before spring break! SO please be very diligent in reading your syllabus and making sure you are prepared for the work you will be required to due during spring break!
If you need to drop your class you MUST DROP BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR SPRING BREAK!

🎉 Exciting news! 🎉 MIVCA is proud to announce the recipients of the 2024-2025 scholarships! 🏐📚 With a record number of applications, the selection process was tougher than ever. Each winner will receive $750! 💰👏
Congratulations EMMA DARNELL as being a recipient of this scholarship!

Napoleon High School Yearbook Sale!
A limited number of yearbooks are $60 online now!
Order online - You can breakup payments and pay with a credit card!
Order in Person - Get a $10 discount using the coupon below making it $50 (lowest of the year!)
Questions? Contact liz.hampton@napoleonschools.org

Congratulations to Ashton Warner, our January student of the month! "Ashton is an excellent student who strives to do his best in all of his classes. Ashton is kind to other students and helps the less fortunate. Ashton is the a great example of a Napoleon Pirate."

Congratulations to Ashton Warner, our January student of the month!
"Ashton is an excellent student who strives to do his best in all of his classes. Ashton is kind to other students and helps the less fortunate. Ashton is the a great example of a Napoleon Pirate."

Attention 2025 Seniors and Parents:
We are creating a memorable slideshow to show during project graduation night and need your help! Please share any photos of classmates—from kindergarten to the present—to help capture their journey together.
Email your photos to Trisha.Lovette@napoleonschools.org anytime from now until May 30, 2025.
Thank you for contributing your memories!

**Explore 40+ Colleges at Free Fair for Jackson-area Students**
A “College Connection” fair is planned from 5:30-7 p.m. Thursday, March 6, at Northwest High School, 4200 Van Horn Road in Jackson. Though hosted by Northwest Community Schools, the fair will be open to anybody of any age or school district who applies. This free event will give both students and parents a chance to engage with dozens of colleges, trade schools and other post-secondary options.

The Jackson County Health Department will be conducting vision testing to all NHS 9th grade students on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. If you wish to opt out of the screening, you will need to provide a signed letter from the student's parent/guardian to the high school office.

***REMINDER** Jackson County Career Center Open House ~ Interested in the programs offered or have questions about what might be available to your student? CHECK IT OUT!
THURSDAY, FEB 27th from 4:00-7:00 pm

High School Students -
Reminder, you are required to bring your personal issued Chromebook to school charged daily. If you do not have a charger one can be purchased in the office for $10. **While supplies last**
(Please note at the end of the school year if you do not have a charger there will be a $25 fee)

What: Napoleon High School Parent/Teacher Open Conferences
When: Wednesday, February 12, 2025; 3:30pm -6:30pm
Where : Napoleon High School
*Schedules and grades can be accessed on PowerSchool or found on table in lobby. Please limit conference to 10 minutes, if more time is needed please schedule an appointment.

Thank you to the Napoleon Community for donating over 1600 DVDs to the Veterans Hospital!

The Jackson County Health Department will be conducting vision testing to all NHS 9th grade students on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. If you wish to opt out of the screening, you will need to provide a signed letter from the student's parent/guardian to the high school office prior to February 19, 2025.

FAFSA Workshop /Completion
Date: February 12 , 2025 (Same Night as Parent /Teacher Conferences)
TIme: 4pm-6pm in the Library
Contacts: Jorge Rodriguez (JRodriguez@jacksoncac.org or
Kammy Hollow (kammy.hollow@napoleonschools.org)

We are excited to announce our upcoming WELLNESS DAY at Napoleon High School. This event is designed to promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being among our students and staff, and we are seeking sponsors to help make this day a success.
We would be honored to have your business as a sponsor for this important event. A minimum donation of $50 will ensure your logo or business name appears prominently on the back of our event t-shirts, as well as on banners throughout the school and on our school website. This is a great opportunity to showcase your support for wellness and the local community, while also gaining visibility in front of students, staff, and their families.
To become a sponsor, please send your logo and the name of your contact person by February 4, 2025, along with your donation. Checks should be made payable to Napoleon High School and mailed to:
Napoleon High School
Attn: Pam Pence (Wellness Day)
201 West Street
Napoleon, MI 49261
We truly appreciate your consideration and support. Should you have any questions or need further details, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at 517-905-5814 or pam.pence@napoleonschools.org
Thank you for helping make Wellness Day a success!
Pamela Pence
Wellness Day Event Coordinator

Attention Seniors interested in the healthcare profession:
Please see the email below and the document that is attached to access the online application for the LOCAL ORS Scholarship from Orthopaedic Rehab Specialist. This is DUE by March 28! Mark your calendars and don't miss this deadline if you plan to apply!
Best of luck!

A group of Napoleon High School students attended/organized the 1st ANNUAL Jackson County High School "STEP UP" CONFERENCE.
The "Next Step" Conference was developed to raise awareness about addiction, educate peers, and reduce stigma. A goal was to organize a student-led committee who found speakers to help foster understanding, share personal stories, promote resources for prevention and recovery, and provide information about how addiction can affect individuals, families, and communities. The students who attended the conference will be coming back to the local districts and educating other students and staff about what they learned. We want to thank our sponsors for making this event possible!