Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

If you would like to nominate anyone for the Napoleon Athletics Hall of Fame, please submit the following form:
If you prefer to submit a hard copy, you can print this form and turn a nomination into the High School office:
Make it a great day!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Don't forget ~ GO PIRATES 🏴☠️ Watch Pirate Football LIVE on the field!!!
(this feature is not accessible on the app at this time) ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.napoleonschools.org/o/athletics/?B=637964

Don't forget! Sept 11th JV Football Pirates vs Comets at 6:30 pm ~ GO PIRATES 🏴☠️
CLICK HERE when an event is scheduled & watch Pirate Athletes LIVE on the field!!! (this feature is not accessible on the app at this time) ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

Make it a great week!
Go Pirates!

ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL PIRATES~ NMS Cross-Country (6th-8th) starts Monday, August 28, 2:30-3:45. Physicals are necessary to participate. Schedules and more information available at the Open House.

7th & 8th Grade Optional Football Conditioning Cancelled today Thursday, August 17th, 2023.

Saturday, April 15, 2023 at Southgate High School the JACC JROTC Golden Knight Battalion participated in a 16 Team Cadet Challenge (Fitness Competition) attended by 7 schools and 100+ Cadet Students. Pirate Olivia Hunt place in the top of the female division.
The competition was highly competitive and the JACC JROTC Cadets placed well in team competition and individual events.
The Jackson Area Career Center Team with 16 team members (including 7 new members) placed 4th out of 16 teams & the JACC Junior Varsity Team placed 2nd!
Areas of Competition:
Events: One Mile Run, Curl Ups, Shuttle Run, Pull Ups, V-Sit Reach, and Flex-Arm
Overall Accomplishment: Team Captains: Olivia Hunt (Napoleon), Ava Steller (Addison).
Noted Results:
Junior Varsity placed 2nd out of JV Teams
Varsity placed 4th / 16 Teams
Olivia Hunt: Placed top 5 out of all female Cadets & Best curl ups; female (64)