Spring Sports 2025
5 days ago, Tom Johns
NHS Spring Athletic Schedule! Please remember all dates and times are subject to change. Let's make it a GREAT spring season PIRATES!!
5 days ago, NHS
Spring Schedule
Spring Schedule
**Varsity Girls Basketball District week** Monday (3/3) Napoleon vs. East Jackson (@ Grass Lake) 7 PM Tickets: https://gofan.co/event/3306922?schoolId=MI3341 Make it a great week! Go Pirates!
6 days ago, Tom Johns
This Spring we will be rolling out "Final Forms" for all school sponsored Napoleon Athletic programs. This includes MHSAA sports that we offer for students in grades 6-12. We need all of our parents to register with Final Forms, and register your student athlete(s). Once you create a new account, you will only verify/update your information annually. The program is very user friendly and we are here to help with all of your questions or concerns. http://napoleonschools-mi.finalforms.com/ The purpose for implementing Final Forms: - Storing our rosters, physicals, achievements etc. which carry over from year to year - Communicating eligibility (academic and non-academic) - Mass communication for parents, athletes, and coaches - Automatic account reminders (physical expiration dates etc.) Please follow the directions in the attached Parent Playbook Make it a great day! Tom Johns tom.johns@napoleonschools.org
10 days ago, Tom Johns
Registration 2
The MIDDLE SCHOOL basketball game @ Columbia Central has been MOVED to the NAPOLEON HIGH SCHOOL gym with a 5:00pm start TONIGHT February 25, 2025.
12 days ago, NHS
**GoFan Links** Varsity Boys Basketball (2/24): https://gofan.co/event/3257115?schoolId=MI3341 Bowling Day 1 - Team (2/28): https://gofan.co/event/3096149?schoolId=MHSAA Bowling Day 2 - Singles (3/1): https://gofan.co/event/3096134?schoolId=MHSAA Gymnastics (3/1): https://gofan.co/event/3092245?schoolId=MHSAA Wrestling (Ticket Master): https://am.ticketmaster.com/detroitlions/buy/25WASP
13 days ago, Tom Johns
Make it a great week! Go Pirates!
13 days ago, Tom Johns
Congratulations Ethan Rose!! 2025 Region #20 Individual Bowling REGIONAL CHAMPION!!!!!
16 days ago, NHS
Ethan Rose
***UPDATE: BOWLING REGIONAL CHAMPIONS!!!! WAY TO GO PIRATES!!!*** Good luck to these bowlers at REGIONALS today and tomorrow ! Also GOOD LUCK to Ayva Reynolds at the Girls bowling REGIONALS tomorrow!! Let's GO Pirates!!
17 days ago, NHS
GoFan links for Regional Bowling @ Royal Scot Lanes (2/20) Day 1: https://gofan.co/event/3096124?schoolId=MI3341 (2/21) Day 2: https://gofan.co/event/3096133?schoolId=MI3341
18 days ago, Tom Johns
JAG hosted an alumni meet last night. There were representatives from multiple Jackson County teams from the 1990-2023 teams. Remi Taylor placed 1st All Around with a 33.95, 1st on vault with a score of 8.525, and 1st on floor with a 9.025! Next stop Regionals !
19 days ago, NHS
Make it a great week! Go Pirates!
21 days ago, Tom Johns
The following wrestlers advance to the STATE FINALS!!! Brady Warner- 1st Zack Bamm -3rd Izayah Scott- 3rd Carson Warner -3rd Logan Hartman-4th Dallas Smith - 4th CONGRATULATIONS PIRATES and GOOD LUCK!!
22 days ago, NHS
Congratulations to our Co-op Gymnastics team, JAG, that took 2nd in the conference! Makenzy Lindemann and Madisyn Lindemann were All-League Academic. Remi Taylor came in 2nd on vault and 5th with her All Around score of 33.225. Way to go Pirates!!
23 days ago, NHS
**Schedule Update (2/13)** - JV/Varsity Boys Basketball will still be played as scheduled Vandercook @ Napoleon (5:30 & 7 PM) - Bowling will still compete against Addison @ JAX 60 - MS Wrestling @ Columbia has been canceled - All Middle School & Youth practices have been canceled
24 days ago, Tom Johns
Due to predicted weather conditions, the MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS BASKETBALL GAME @ Leslie has been CANCELED! We will update on the rest of the PIRATE events for this evening as they come in. Stay safe out there Pirates!
25 days ago, NHS
Congratulations to our Individuals moving on to Individual Regionals!!! Brady Warner -1st Zack Bamm -2nd Logan Hartman - 2nd Dallas Smith - 2nd Carson Warner - 2nd Rylan Lovett - 3rd Izayah Scott - 3rd Peyton Dunlap - 4th Jamarcus Goodloe - 4th CONGRATULATIONS PIRATES!!
27 days ago, NHS
Wrestling Silhouette
Make it a great week! Go Pirates!
27 days ago, Tom Johns
about 1 month ago, NHS
district champs
Congratulations to two of our Competitive Cheerleader's! Jailyn Clark received All Conference and Meiana Cecil received Honorable Mention at the Conference Meet. Way to go Pirates!
about 1 month ago, NHS
Jailyn Clark
Meiana Cecil