Devices are a necessity for helping provide students with relevant skills for the future. As educators we are looking forward, preparing our students for tomorrow and not only for today. The blend of technology and education is not a choice that we have, rather it's an obligation for us to keep the education system relevant.
Technology Handbook, Parent/Student Responsible Use Agreement, and Device Insurance Agreement 2024-2025
Device insurance is required for any student, grades 9-12 at Napoleon High School at $25.00 per student/ $75.00 cap per family. Families receiving assistance under various state program, verified as directly certified for free/ reduced lunches are eligible to pay a reduced fee of $10.00 per student. Any other families in need financial support should contact building administration or the counseling office to discuss a waiver. We are here to help and have done our best to make this affordable for all families.
The 2024-2025 NHS Student Technology Handbook has information on insurance coverage, expectations, costs, student use, and parent responsibilities as well as the mandatory forms to be completed for the school year that you may print if you desire.
It is preferred that you complete these forms online using the links below.
You may also make online device insurance payments directly by clicking the MY SCHOOL BUCKS button below. GO PIRATES!
**It is important that parents review the Insurance Form and the Acceptable Use Form with their student(s).**